Tuesdays might be one of my favorite days of the week. It’s probably a close second to Saturdays, but I would definitely have to say it’s my favorite “middle of the week” day. Anyways...the reason I love Tuesdays so much is because someone back in the day decided that new music will be released on that day. The point I am trying to get at is that every once in a while some “new music Tuesdays” stand out more than others. This past Tuesday was one of those Tuesdays. Mumford & Sons released there album “Sigh No More” this week and let me tell you, it’s ear candy. Remember that scene in Titanic where Leo takes Kate down to the third class hangout and Kate stands on her tip-toes? Mumford & Sons captures that same raw, real vibe with their banjos and upbeat harmonizing choruses that makes you want to grab a beer and swing it right to left Oktoberfest style. From start to finish this album is excellent. The standout track for me is “Awake My Soul”, check it out below.